Case study: Tessitura and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image

Written by Dr Greg Turner
Published on 11 July 2017

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About the author

Greg has been building websites for 17 years. He is an interaction designer and computer scientist specializing in emerging forms of interaction. A founding member of the Interaction Consortium, he is currently the CTO of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.

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Method: Integration by linking to TNEW

We built the website for ACMI very quickly: from brief to launch in three months. We could deliver because GLAMkit, our CMS for the cultural sector, is ready-made for museum websites.

IC has done the hard work of nutting out common requirements for galleries and museums, so a huge benefit of going with them was that we didn’t need to design our overall architecture from scratch, we got to inherit a lot of solutions and prior knowledge.
Andrew Serong
Creative Technologist

Because the deadline was tight, ACMI decided to keep using Tessitura's web ecommerce interface, TNEW, for its ticket sales. The website still had to be integrated with Tessitura though, so when the time came to buy tickets on the ACMI site, customers would be linked to the right part of TNEW.

Andrew Serong, ACMI's creative technologist, implemented the Tessitura integration. He wrote some middleware in Python that was hosted inside ACMI’s network. It connected to Tessitura and fetched the performances for a given event. He then added code to our GLAMkit CMS to connect the middleware.

The result is that when an event is set up in Tessitura, an equivalent event is created in GLAMkit. When the GLAMkit event is published and viewed, the 'buy tickets' links go straight to TNEW. When the event passes or if it's cancelled, or if tickets sell out, GLAMkit can tell the user and remove the 'buy tickets' links.

Combined with Lucie Paterson's work on ACMI's content workflow, this arrangement means that ACMI can coordinate event logistics, marketing and lifecycle with a high degree of automation and delegated authority amongst the users of the various systems.

ACMI said some nice stuff about us and this integration work here. Thanks guys!

To read about a full-featured Tessitura-GLAMkit integration, check out our SFMOMA case study.

Check out our other posts about Tessitura and CRMs for museums.

End of article.
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