François Constant

Principal Developer

Principal developer at the Interaction with 15 years of experience as a "web developer". Works on UX, backend, frontend development and a touch of project management.

I'm currently a principal developer at the IC. I have first worked with the IC in 2014 and joined full-time in 2018.

I like building useful and good-looking applications and websites. I therefore always focus first on User eXperience (UX). It's better when things actually work and are maintainable (for the customers and the team sanity) so I truly like clean-code and automated testing. Nothing beats Test Driven Development in my opinion.

Before joining the IC, I've worked for several digital agencies including Digital Eskimo and Piran Digital. I was also a freelancer for two years.

I grew up and mainly studied in France. I've been living in Australia for 13+ years. I've also spent over a year in Wales (via Erasmus) and another one in Japan (ultimate nerd sabbatical).

I have studied computer science and project-management. My latest degree is an IT engineering master from l'IG2I (a department of Centrale Lille).

You can find me on StackOverflow and on my blog at

The Interaction Consortium
ABN 20 651 161 296
Sydney office
Level 5 / 48 Chippen Street
Chippendale NSW 2008

tel: 1300 43 78 99

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