Two Lego mini-figures holding balloons and cake in front of wrapped presents

Happy 10th Birthday, Django!

Written by Pili Mitchell
Published on 16 July 2015

About the author

Pili is a content writer and strategist. Her background in corporate advisory, coupled with a degree in English Literature puts her in the unique position of being able to understand what’s important to businesses and to communicate those messages to audiences and customers.

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This month Django turned 10 years old. Django is a Python web framework, and it's the technology behind our CMS, GLAMkit, and all the websites we build.

To celebrate, we ate ice cream cones and thought about how Django has changed our lives. Here's what our founders and some of our developers had to say:

Greg: Django came along when I was considering leaving web development because of the lack of good architecture: Joomla/Drupal was just too messy, Ruby was too magical, and nothing else seemed to be much better. Without Django, we wouldn't have started IC, and we wouldn't have made all our amazing sites.

Alastair: I was teaching a course that included PHP and was delighted to discover Django and the things that I could do so easily. In the end I started to introduce Django into the course because I wanted to share it with my students.

Simon: Django has made backend web development fun and organised. I've been using it since way back at version 0.96 and have been lucky enough to build a career around it. I still get a kick out of every time I'm able to use Django to solve a problem and help and amaze end-users. Happy Birthday Django! You're the best!

Without Django, we wouldn't have started IC, and we wouldn't have made all our amazing sites.

Alice: When I started as a developer, I coded in PHP. Django showed me that there are other great open source languages that have amazing abilities to create great web applications and websites. Django has a great community where a lot of developers are so much more passionate and kind in knowledge-sharing than most other developer language communities. It’s changed my career for the better!

Matt: Python and Django let me be more expressive than other languages or frameworks. With Django I’ve been able to solve difficult problems against tight deadlines, but produce elegant code that remains readable by other developers.

The most concise answer came from Aram. "I don't know what I'd be doing if there was no Django. Something else, I guess." We know you mean it from the bottom of your heart, mate.

Happy birthday, Django! Without you, we'd be adrift in a sea of PHP nonsense.

End of article.
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