Australian Museum online publications

Written by Hon Boey
Published on 28 May 2024

About the author

Hon is an art director of 10+ years and a frontend developer of 5+ years. He is also a Principal at the Interaction Consortium.

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In 2023 the Australian Museum launched their Sharks exhibition, an immersive and powerful production with life-size shark models, augmented reality and interactive displays. As part of the exhibition, the Museum approached us to build an online publication that matched the immersion and scale of the physical show

Screenshot of Sharks online publication

Using Wagtail, their existing CMS, we built a custom platform for them to author, upload and display all the rich content that was to go in the publication. We also designed and coded the pages to house all this beautiful content.

The use of video and seamless page transitions mirrors the immersive experience of the physical exhibition while also reducing perceived load times and enabling smoother navigation.

Designed to the pixel, each element is meticulously placed on the page’s 12 column grid.

The infrastructure of the publication was built to be reusable and has been used for both the Sharks exhibition and Minerals exhibition, the latter of which was nominated for the 2023 MAPDA Awards for Program Website.

To learn more about the project, visit our project page where we talk about it in more "depth" 🦈!

End of article.
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