Recent Articles
Digital brand extension: Designing the Australian Museum website
As part of our work on rebuilding the Australian Museum website a key aspect was developing and implementing the visual design. And like any design project, the Australian Museum website had its own set of unique challenges worth discussing.
Dealing with broken APIs
Nowadays, most websites integrate with a handful of APIs, but not all of them are well designed. What to do when a marketing afterthought built to “tick a box” starts wrecking havoc on your website? We've compiled a list of approaches we have taken while working with dozens of broken APIs.
Samsung Internet Browser and Night Mode: beware the dark side!
It all began with a Tweet: Your website design is impossible to read! White words on a white background don’t work!... clearly something is wrong here, but what exactly?
Integrating Shopify and Raiser's Edge CRM for Museum Members
As part of AGSA’s digital transformation we automated an integration between their CRM and eCommerce platforms to help provide a better service for their members.
GLAMkit is dead. Long live Glamkit!
Since about 2012, we’ve been talking about building a CMS for museum websites. And while every museum is different it’s become obvious that they all tend to need the same set of tools. So like a phoenix, rising from the ashes…
How to test a single-page application?
Testing is good. But how do you test a dynamic, single-page application? Cypress is one answer.
How to prevent bugs in a single-page application?
Single-page applications are prone to bugs. How can we prevent them? Testing. The answer is testing.
Transdisciplinary Big Data, Social Networks and Gender Offenders with Deb Verhoeven
We talk to Deb Verhoeven - speaker, researcher, film-lover, data wonk and gender equality commando - about finding a world without domination and how she is using data to take on gender offenders in Australia’s Film industry.
Virtual Reality and Critical Engagement with Dr Josh Harle
We speak to new media researcher and practitioner Dr Josh Harle about getting visual artists more critically engaged in a medium that is typically dominated by computer scientists.
So we started a podcast…
"Interaction" is an occasional podcast about collaboration that crosses boundaries between disciplines, technologies or cultures.
Tickets, members, sales: Integrating Centaman with the Australian Museum website
As part of the site rebuild for the Australian Museum, we integrated the website with Centaman, a system used for ticketing, memberships and as a general CRM. In this post, we outline our technical approach, and flag interesting features of the Django + Wagtail + PostgreSQL stack we use to build custom websites
Managing Projects and My Weird Brain
I was recently told by a client that I have a weird brain, which naturally set me thinking about many areas of my life, particularly how I manage projects.